Special dates
What special dates can you tick?
All companies have a special date. The founder’s birthday, the creation of the company or even special dates dedicated to its employees. Smart Set creates the business event to celebrate these dates.
Marking special dates can be a way to communicate culture and values within the company, contributing to greater motivation and pride of employees. But you can create unique moments during these types of events.
Team building is a way to celebrate these dates and bring your employees together, working on motivation and engagement with the company. Similarly, Smart Set can organize a value communication event or even indoor or outdoor activities that bring people together around your company’s special date.
What other special dates can you tick?
The calendar suggests many special dates when you can join your employees for a business event. The company’s Christmas lunch or dinner, the celebration of dates such as St. Martin,the arrival of spring, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or the return of vacation are some of those special dates.
Take the calendar, choose the activity and contact us to make this special date unforgettable.
Make your event with the Smart Set.
Get our suggestions for your event
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