Indoor and Outdoor Activities
Indoor and outdoor activities are a good reason to bring your company’s workers together. The different recreational activities help strengthen team spirit and socialization. Inside out outside, we have the right activities for a more united team.
What is the difference between indoor and outdoor activities?
Indoor Activities
They are carried out inside a space. They are limited to the conditions of the place where they are held, to the number of people participating in the activities, among other factors.
Outdoor Activities
They are in an outdoor space. It can be a green space on a property or in contact with nature. When carried out abroad, activities can become more interesting for the whole team.
Although there may be weather limitation, it is outside that the teams engage and participate more intensely, possibly due to leaving their “comfort zone”.
Indoor or outdoor. Which activity to choose?
The choice of the type of activity may have as a limitation the budget, the place, the meteorology or the age of the employees of your company.
More than choosing whether to do the activity inside or outside, select the skills you want to develop. They will be the basis for a proposal designed for you.
What skills can be worked?
During an indoor or outdoor activity, there are many skills that can be worked out. At Smart Set we give full attention to 14 core competencies in all companies. With those skills as a starting point, we can propose a set of activities, adapting them to your needs.
Effort Management
Focus on the task
Task management
Stress management
Team Coordination
Task definition
If you are looking for an indoor or outdoor activity, the more than 10 years of experience of the Smart Set team is a testament to the quality of our work and dedication.
Make your event with Smart Set.
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