

Will you start a new project in your company? Assemble your team and distribute skills to achieve the desired goals. These meetings serve, among others, to foster team spirit and define tasks.

What’s a Kickoff Meeting?

The startup of a project is always an important step for any company. A Kickoff Meeting should be the first meeting of a new project. At the Kickoff Meeting it is vital that the entire team be integrated and informed. It is a way to involve each collaborator in the goals, to give them responsability and to make them feel that the project is also theirs.

What is a Kickoff Meeting for?

The Kickoff Meeting serves to gather all the teams, define the role of each employee and the expectations for the new project. This meeting may include the customer, a new supplier or other persons outside the organization, but which are vital to achieve the goal.

What can be done at a Kickoff Meeting?

The kickoff meeting, due to its informative and formative characteristics, may require a more interactive and playful component, capable of naturally cementing the acquired knowledge.

SMART SET can help your company by creating activities that involve participants in the theme developed during the meeting. The goal will be to remind them of the subject of the meeting, incorporating the transmitted values.

We can also offer you a concept for the meeting, making it unforgettable for all participants.


Av. Comendador Ferreira Matos 682 – 1º Dir. – A
4450-121 Matosinhos, PORTUGAL.

email: geral@smartset.pt
Tel: +351 936 855 646

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